AQHE booster pump coming on the line and discharging properlyAQSA Foam that is not a "alcohol resistant" type and water spray.ARAF Two lettres ARAJ 10-200 ARGA an EGC-message destined for shipsof a certain company ARGG Means of Access Regs ARJL It requiresless maintenance ARMX All answers ARNT Exhaust valve ARQG With IOPPcertificate we mean International Oil Pollution Preventioncertificate and the ship is classed to prevent oil pollution ARSYJacket water cooler is clogged. ARUM No, food waste can not bedumped overboard ASQC Density, viscosity, flow rate, temperature,gravity disc diameter ASQX An approved hook with a locking deviceASUJ Regulating freon liquid flow to the evaporator. ASXU positionASYN the direction of the electrical field ATCS The ITU List ofCallsigns and Numerical Identities of Stations used by the MaritimeMobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services ATLV be secured in amanner as not to interfere with abandonment procedures ATVX groundwave AUAY 85% of the gas can be discharged into the space withintwo minutes AUBY 8 minutes AUDN J3E AUIH Milk and cheese AUIJ userof the installation AUNF By producing and making availableanonymous reports of incidents and accidents AUSG 1 VHF RT + DSC+DSC watch receiver - 1 or 2 SART - 1 NAVTEX and/or 1 EGC receiverand/or 1 HF NBDP watch receiver - 2 or 3 VHF portable - 1 EPIRB - 1MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver - 1 HF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiverAUYI Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment.(ODME). AVBU the speed oflight AVCH Lower the viscosity and improve purification. AVDC onlyto certificate holders AVED Applying 12 - 15% nitric acid on tanksurfaces, either with a brush or spray; then washing off after 10 -20 minutes using copious amounts of fresh water? AVFY At exits andin corridors AVGT They can have hold back hooks not subject tocontrol station release providing the emergency plan details aperson to close them. AVGU jump from a height of not less than 4.5minto the water without damaging the suit or being injured AVHNShip's name, Official number, Length, breadth and draft, type ofvessel, type and size of engine, name and address of the registeredowner AVOC Air in the fuel oil system. AVSJ To prevent combustiongases to flow back and enter the burner. AVXJ A substance with aviscosity equal to or greater than 25 mPa.s at the unloadingtemperature. AWAO To improve the sealing surface between valve andseat during operation of the engine (compensate for the bending ofthe valve disc caused by combustion pressure). AWAW Salted meat andham, potato dumplings, mashed swedes, boiled potatoes. AWMIThroughput too high. AWPR Broken water seal. AWUU Any of thementioned alternatives.
CBTH Walk to a smoking area inside the accomodation? CBUI Reportto the chief officer or chief engineer. CBYE 12 h CCCT In portsonly CCEH 200 cm CCML 6 times the hose diameter. CCNF Leave him inbed or request him to have some fresh air. CCOE Broken water seal.CCOF Emergency shut down. CCSF You set watch on channel 2182 KHzCDBN Solid, liquid and gases CDJY Provide a replaceable wearsurface for the pump housing/impeller. CDRH Computer-aidedmaintenance CDVT Air from stage one goes through discharge valvesin stage one and through suction valves into stage two. In stagetwo it will be compressed to high pressure air. CDWF A dulycompleted application with certificate etc. must be made to thepublic supervisory authorities as an endorsment/ qualificationdocument CDWK Automatic gain control CEBM Too little gas in thesystem. CEBM () System undercharged with refrigerant CEHB AVR andspeed governor CEIB 98 Centigrades. CEIC CO2 CEJU Because theywanted to make sure that the ship could be safely turned. CEME Shipowner has Document of Compliance issued, and vessel is assessed andholds all statutory certificates CEOV VHF and MF CEPQ Because acook handles food and beverages and could easily be a spreader ofviruses and infections. CETS For minimum 3 years CETX measured bythe "dopler" shift in the signals CFBL Because he was married. CFBMAll answers are goods CFDU Allow removal of the sensor also whenliquid is flowing in the pipe. CFGH When manoeuvring? CFHB R(L) =R(s) CFOP Strainer in operating water low-pressure side is clogged.CFSA They will be closed if the ship get a damage on the shipshull, and taking in water. It will prevent the water to fill thewhole deck. In case of fire they can also be used to stop the fireand smoke from diverge. CFWG A bolt in every hole CFXD They canbring any seafarer involved in an incident on the UK coast to courtand provide evidence regarding the incident CFYN To obtain a propersealing and correct distance between piston and cover in TDCposition CGAH 1:4 CGAJ The smallest diameter piston is the stagetwo piston. CGDW F1B CGER a manually controlled lamp fitted on theinside CGON Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the firealarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squadCGUH Insulated on both sides with approved non-combustible materialCGXS The clearance between the rocker arm and valve pushrod. CGXVHe should be aware of the steel thickness of the valve CHHV Donningof fire protection clothing CHMA Stop discharge, inform USCG andQualified Individual. CHNU A 2 stroke engine has an ignition everytime the piston reaches its top position
Ces 5.0 For Engine Questions And Answers | Templ
CNQG only be given receipt when the ship is actually able togive assistance CNQH watertight, as far as possible,except fordrain holes in the container bottom CNSU Diesel oil leakage to thelub oil system. COHG All the mentioned alternatives COHV To theMaster COJV Vitamin C COKQ Immediate availability of water for atleast one effective jet of water from any hydrant in an interiorarea CONY always passed on to a LUT COOQ the volume COVL The twogases is Freon 22 and carbon monoxide COYW all the answers are goodCPAK Endeavour to hold the anchored/yawing vessel steady CPDR Anyof the listed alternatives. CPEQ The difference between possiblemaximum and minimum measurement CPIY If any of the main registeredparticulars e.g. length were changed CPKJ ability to make weakstations audible CPLH Act 18 June 1971 relating to enrolment ofemployees on board ships. CPNV almost rectilinear CQDW The "Abandonship" signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarmsignal is stated CQHR The Norwegian Maritime Directorate CQUI Onceevery month CQXU Caps and cocks should be closed at all times, toprevent ingress of water into the engine room in case of tankbottom damage. CQYK Lenght overall is given by B on the figure CRBDall of the alternatives together CRBQ Smoke going out the stackCRCR is intended for radio traffic onboard of the own ship CRILhave permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enablepersons in the water to board the lifeboat CRQB Give the coatingtime to "weather out" the trapped solvents using good ventilation,and recover it's hardness again, prior loading the next cargo? CRQTPressure to electric current converter. CRRP Check the ballasttanks for oil after the ballast tanks have been filled CRTJDistress traffic, urgency traffic, safety traffic CRUE be made offire-retardant material CSFC F1B CSGX nine digits, beginning by 6CSOC MAYDAY RELAY CSOE To avoid the compressor-oil to disapper fromthe crankcase during starting. CTCN Separation with correcttemperature and low flow rate. CTDH To prevent serious damages onmain components. CTLR Use the rudder hard over both sides whilereducing engine power, so-called "high frequency rudder cycling"CTTE Crankshaft CUAR To prevent freon condensing when thecompressor is stopped. CUBK All the items mentioned CUCF Too fastCUCG On the fire control plans CUCJ R(S) =18 ohm CUFX 1.15 OhmsCUYC Floor space is usually more valuable than height. CVAP Itshould be avoided, unless the tank atmosphere is inerted. CVNA Allthe spaces mentioned
EEBG 3 litres EECD He is asking about the position of the chainEECH Not allow the clothes to be hung anywhere in the unmannedmachinery spaces. EEDP All the answers are good EEFI Merchant ShipSearch and Rescue Manual. EEHC Go to your lifeboat station (musterstation). EEYR Raise the feed water temperature. EFAD To lubricateand cool the engine. EFBE a license EFFH also after 1 February 1999EFHP No, only those listed in the Seamen's Act as dereliction ofduty. EFHR The deck officer of the highest rank present EFOM Torespond to oil pollution and take appropriate action as may benecessary EFRB Three months. EFRC Stop the bunkering until safecommunications are established EFVH geostationary orbits EGBB Inthe muster list. EGCP VI EGHM The deck log book EGNI Risk ofdeposits on heat transmitting surfaces. EGNN all of theabove-mentioned EGOG In and outlet temperatures, and flow rates forboth media EGSU the use of VHF DSC EHEB Exhaust valve EHLP HerringEHMQ Daily EHNJ 4 - 5 C EHQX two boat-hooks EHVA Valve in theoutlet line partly closed. EHWT The use of devices for protectionin launching areas EICL Make sure that the compartment has beenevacuated EIGQ 2 EIHP Centrifugal separator. EIQQ The way to board,launch and clear the survival craft and rescue boats EIXM At alltimes EJAA In suitable lockers easily accessible, yet segregatedfrom the living spaces themselves? EJAR + 18.5 bar EJBR Thestevedore superintendent? EJCH Turned at intervals of not more than30 months and renewed every 5 years EJJC 1 year EJLQ As a safetynet, for improved cleaning of the fuel oil EJQO burn with a brightorange colour EJYA Temperature-control EKAR Sweep holds clean firstand lift out solid residues manually prior washing. After washingagain lift out remaining wet residues after carefully stripping outonly the accumulated water? EKCB Radiotelephony - Frequencymodulation EKEX Nine digits, beginning with a four (4). EKLM 4 EKLO1.5 litre EKTV The vessel anchoring assumes responsibility EKULLiquid at high pressure. EKUQ Leave the engine room immediately.EKWG Line throwing appliance EKXF Between 3% and 6% EKYY 75 C
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