For a list of example utilities build on the frysk framework see manpages.Articles on fryskFrysk 1, Kernel 0?, by Andrew Cagney, in Proceedings of the Linux Symposium 2007
The Frysk Monitor, Sami Wagiaalla, in Red Hat Magazine October 12, 2006
Frysk: Debugging in real time, Rick Moseley, in Red Hat Magazine September 28, 2006
The Frysk Execution Analysis Architecture, by Andrew Cagney, in Proceedings of the Linux Symposium 2006
frysk InternalsA snapshot of frysk's internal documentation is availableonline:public or published interfaces
private or internal interfaces
It is updated occasionally. Alternatively you can build your ownlocal copy of frysk's documentation using thejavadoc make target:make javadocIBM have create a graphical representation of frysk's Task State Machine.
It is possible to create coverageinformation for frysk usingthe gcov/lcov test coverage tools.
For how to create a frysk release, seethe releases page.
Recommended ReadingDesign Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-OrientedSoftware, by the This book isconsidered the definitive reference. Some find other more recentequivalent publications easier to digest. The patterns:observer
are used widely by frysk so an understanding of them is agreat help.Refactoring:Improving the Design of Existing Code, by Martin FowlerThisbook both describes the concept of behavior preserving codetransformations, and provides a set of refactorings. See also
Thinking In Java, 3rdEdition, by Bruce EckelA great book for learning Java1.4.2. that is also available for download so you can keep anelectronic copy on your desktop.
Linkers and Loaders, by John R.LevineThis provides asolid overview of object file formats, along with the internals oflinkers and loaders. In addition, the book Unix System V:Understanding Elf Object Files and Debugging Tools (ProgrammerCollection) provides a great introduction to ELF, but unfortunatlyit is very hard to find.How Debuggers Work; Algorithms, Data Structures, andArchitectures, by Jonathan B. RosenbergWhile this book isstarting to show its age, it still continues to offer an excellentoverview of a software debugger and its internals.
Introductionto the DWARF Debugging Format, by Michael EagerThis gives agood start to DWARF and is no where near the thickness of the DWARF Spec.
In the NewsA look at ftrace, orhow to write your own Frysk utility by Phil Muldoon
FirstLook: Fedora Core 5
A look at GCJ 4.1
Links and ReferencesAnltr: ANother Tool for Language Recognition.
JUnit: XUnit Testing Framework for Java.
JLine: A Java library for handling console input.
dogtail: (report a bug)dogtailis a graphical test tool and automation framework that usesAccessibility (a11y) technologies to communicate with desktopapplications.
Parallel Tools Consortium's High Performance Debugger Forum's Command Interface for Parallel Debugging (pdf file)(Old web site
)Free Standard Group's DWARF Workgroup:
Free Standard Group's ELF Spec: -generic/
Special Issue on Debugging and Software Visualization: lieber/Lieberary/Softviz/CACM-Debugging/CACM-Debugging-Intro.html
Cell Broadband Engine: ,
The libunwind project:
Signals: Requirements of the POSIX Signal Model (important summary), Native POSIX Thread Library: NPTL (outdated, but described the important concepts), Single UNIX Spec - Signal Concepts
John Levine Linkers And Loaders Pdf Free
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